Sunday, February 15, 2009

Letter 2

Dear Granny F,

Sounds like you had a blast in NYC. Say Hi to your fellow red helmetters for me.

School has been uber uber busy. Thank goodness i'm in hufflepuff otherwise I'd be sooooooo lost. I heard that the Gryffindors and Slytherin first years are expected to find their own way around the castle!

So far my favorite class is charms. I can't wait to try some of the stuff I read in Dad's charm's books. Mom was right about Potions, it is all about the prep.

The fat friar is really nice. He let me draw him and said he'd ask the house elves if I can draw them.

Got to get back to work, I have two essays due this week. Have fun in Rhode Island and Newport.

Love Felly.